My final gif

For some reason the gif doesn't upload straight onto workflow so I uploaded it to my flickr:

Gif frame illustration 2

Colour scheme for my gif

Posted on 12 June 2020, 12:45

For colour inspiration, I looked to my favourite reference, Vewn. 

Here are some of her illustrations I sampled from:


(an example of where she uses a texture like colour halftone- i think this created a computer screen texture)


Starting to hand-draw my gif

Posted on 12 June 2020, 12:15

I started to hand draw parts of my gif to scan into Photoshop. I drew the computer monitor and icons. I experimented with colouring in physically too, but i decided to do this digitally. Apart from these examples, all of the rest of the drawing/colouring was done on Photoshop with a drawing tablet (my first time drawing like this!!)

CamScanner 06-12-2020 11.32.08_1.jpg

CamScanner 06-12-2020 11.32.08_2.jpg

Gif- thoughts and inspirations 28/05

I found 2 artists that work in illustration and animation. I really like the style of their moving image work. quite illustrative examples which might be a bit challenge working digitally but i would like to try and work around this and do it in my own way. 

here is one animation at 14 seconds (quite close to our 10 second limit):

and here are some second examples from artist vewn who makes a lot of animations and gifs which include digital/computer aspects (like i want to explore) :

Longing GIF by vewn - Find & Share on GIPHYd0624aae8c764f4e883a9b36d24c1eae.gif3c0a8ae6e09872308d20d0b341e4af67.gif | Amazing art, Vincent art, Art

Animation Internet GIF by vewn - Find & Share on GIPHYAnimation Internet GIF by vewn - Find & Share on GIPHY

Vewn youtube channel with full animations:

Gif idea 3

Posted on 20 May 2020, 19:45

Percolate galactic hand drawn zine GIF - Find on GIFER

gif in punk/zine style 

  • about a specific zine or just in that style
  • what message do i want to say?

Zine| It's Nice That

  • lots of gifs about publications are in this format so i would probably have to make something myself ?

interesting website with an online zine created with gifs:

Embedded media

Gif inspiration

Posted on 18 May 2020, 11:37

Joe Maccarone


Rookie mag



Andrey kasay


Ben Hickey


Molly fairhurst




Gif computer screen frame

Gif style development

Posted on 12 June 2020, 12:40

First, I started off with a more modern computer monitor (this can be seen in the planning gif post), but I decided to change this to a drawn version of a 2000s computer, to make it more relevant to the essay time period I was addressing (late 90s/ early 00s). However, I didn't think the new drawn computer was any better, I thought it looked messy and the lines were too thick (which i tried to change but it still didn't look right). For this reason, i found an image of an old computer and decided to use this in my gif, combining it with hand drawn aspects. I thought this would create an interesting collage layout. 


(drawing of the older computer)



(The layout that i decided on, using an image and drawings combined. I added the colour halftone filter to add texture, and i thought it created less of a contrast between image and drawing. I also added this filter to some sections of the drawings to bring these together more)

Planning my gif

Posted on 12 June 2020, 12:27

I did this plan of the frames of my gif. I planned it to have the same concept as my test, about the printer and the computer, and the transformation between digital and physical print. In my tutorial margherita gave me an idea to include a pop up ad, bringing in one of my other references. I really liked this idea, and thought i could print in a punk reference here.

Mainly I wanted to show:

  • the relationship of digital and print working side by side
  • focus on blogging/ zines (my 2 sections)
  • a 90s/00z aesthetic to symbolise the early rise of digital

I think this plaan covers all of those points.

Of course this plan was really long, so along the way I had to miss sections out to keep it short and relevant. If i had more time, i would mind turning it into a longer animation!

CamScanner 06-12-2020 11.30.53_1.jpgCamScanner 06-12-2020 11.30.53_2.jpg.2

Gif idea 2 90s blog adverts

Posted on 20 May 2020, 17:46
Last updated 20 May 2020, 17:48


  ad_amazon.gif      ad-004.gif      ad-005.gif          google.gifadanim.GIF     cartavieja2.gif   

I found some old ad gifs from the 90s/00s here, I like the distinct design and nostalgic retro theme. I think they would be a good influence for a gif, as I could communicate themes such as:

  • the rise of the internet,
  • print vs online.

Gif design ideas:

  • perhaps a book advert? for buying a book online , reading books/magazines online
  • a gif showing the theme before/after
  • maybe i could subvert it and create a web page advert for a publication and print it in a book?


here are some ads about online magazines that i liked:

also i found out about a blogging feature called the 'guestbook', which i thought was an interesting example of print influencing blogging and having a new digital presence (i think its just a feature similar to leaving a comment or a private message)

amzb1.gif  viewbook.gif cowbook.gif magazine_new.gif


Gif idea 1

Posted on 19 May 2020, 18:03
Last updated 20 May 2020, 18:16

My first idea was (maybe quite literally) to show the realationship between print/digital by using a computer interacting with print, a computer creating print media or print media going into the computer, (interchangeable ideas) - showing how digital/ print can work together but also showing the distinction before/after

here are my initial sketches:

CamScanner 05-20-2020 17.55.35_1.jpg.2

I made a rough version of this gif to practise: